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Find My Campus CalFresh Office
What is CalFresh?
CalFresh Food is a program that helps recipients purchase food at their local grocery store, convenience store, farmers’ market, or online via an EBT card which is used like a debit card.
CalFresh is California’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (federally known as SNAP or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program). Formerly known as Food Stamps, CalFresh is like financial aid for food that is received on a monthly basis to use to purchase groceries. Any student, family, or individual determined to be eligible and approved by the county receives money to buy food.
CalFresh Food benefits can be used to purchase food at grocery stores, online, at many local farmers’ markets, and even on some campuses who accept EBT.
CalFresh is a nutrition assistance program funded by the USDA that can help students buy the food they need to live healthy and active lifestyles. It may help stretch a tight food budget by allowing students to incorporate healthy foods like fruits and vegetables into their diet.
Help stretch a tight food budget.
EBT cards fit in a wallet.
Worry less about the cost of food.
Why CalFresh?
Most local CalFresh Campus Teams will support you through the application process.
The Interview
Applying for CalFresh takes less than 30 minutes!
After applying, you’ll be contacted for a phone interview to review your application in detail with a county worker.
The county worker will let you know what documents you need to submit.
If your application is approved, you’ll receive benefits to use at grocery stores, farmers’ markets, and even on campus!